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Christian Family Retreat

  • Beaver Creek Youth Camp 0885 County Road 20A South Fork, CO 81154 USA (map)

The goal of this 3-day Christian family retreat is connection, fellowship, praise, and support. We have no schedule other than mealtimes. A morning devotion and praise will be around 8:00 AM for those who choose to attend. There are many activities both on site and in the local area. You will be free to make plans as you choose for the day. Gospel singing is anticipated both a cappella and instrumental. (When bringing your favorite music consider enough copies for a large group.)

Here are a few details:

 1) Arrival time is any time after 3:00 PM Friday the 18th

2) For those staying in the lodge, they do not provide bedding or towels and wash cloths, you need to bring your own.

3)Last meal: Breakfast served Sunday morning.

If you have special needs don’t hesitate to call James and Doreen Jantzen Ph. 205-210-1649 or 719-850-0988

We anticipate this being as inspiring and uplifting as the last several of events! We look forward to seeing you there!

Please Register if you plan on coming!

This helps the event hosts know how many to cook for etc. If plans change last minute, no problem, just fill out a new registration form with zeros for the amount coming. All expenses are paid for by donation so keep this in mind when you bring your wallet. ;)

August 19

Colorado - August

August 9

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